Web Design

Web design for Micro Engineering Tech Inc.

Redesigning and updating the Micro Engineering web experience to reflect its offerings


Micro Engineering Tech Inc.


Web Design




May - Dec 2023

project outcomes

Reduced Actions and Intuitive Navigation

We redesigned navigation into relevant categories, reducing user navigation time by 40%

Following Accessibility

We ensured that the redesign followed WCAG standards, ensuring accessiblity for all

Improved Layout

Updated copy and emphasis on visuals improved scannability for content-heavy pages


Update the Micro Engineering website - showcase their services effectively
Micro Engineering (METI) approached me to update their website and web presence. Their existing site had far too much text, and navigation was difficult. The brand was also looking for a visual update that could set them apart from their competitors.


Create an audit of existing content and design a creative direction
I conducted a content audit, identifying issues with information overload, design, and navigation. The target audience was medium-large engineering companies seeking digital transformation solutions. After comparing the website to three top competitors, we refined the voice, tone, scope, and design

discovery process

Make it intuitive
Current web experience was text-heavy and difficult to navigate
Create visual flair
METI sought a visual update which could keep users engaged
Voice & Tone
Content needed to appeal to both investors and technical users


We prioritized organizing sections into like-categories to flow better
Following the site audit, we grouped the navigation into like-categories to make the site layout more coherent. We also looked at competing engineering firms to better grasp the tone and voice of their website, creating copy that could engage and sound familiar to METI's audience. We sought to create more visuals in lieu of long form content, in order to keep the messaging simple.

design updates

What was updated?

Updated navigation to categorize all subpages into recognizable sections

Added visuals to supplement content-heavy sections and provide interest.

Drafted voice and tone documents to create engaging copy and reduce unnecessary jargon


My contract concluded after the launch, but I would have liked to gather insights from customers and iterate the following:

Implementing Analytics
I would have liked to incorporate at-a-glance heatmaps of user interactions and activities. We could use this information to keep updated the pages and see what we can improve.

Draft content guidelines
Creating a set of content documents could help in further redesigns and content creation. Providing a voice and tone for future iterations would ensure a smoother transition between designers and content writers.

other work

Portal improvement for Special Olympics Canada
Enhancing employee relocation for BGRS